Angel Face

The rose Angel Face was bred over 30 years ago and remains one of the finest lavender-purple roses in the floribunda class, proving that old roses can be as exceptional as new ones. Large, fully double flowers are grouped in clusters of 3–9 blooms, displaying a multitude of wavy solid lavender petals with a hint of raspberry hue, especially along the petal edges, adding to their elegance. When fully open, the flower reveals a center with yellow stamens.
Patent name: Angel Face (Floribunda, Swim & Weeks, 1968)
Group: Modern garden roses
Class (Garden group): Floribunda
Hybrid: Seed parent: Circus (floribunda, Swim, 1955) × Lavender Pinocchio (Floribunda, Boerner, 1948). Pollen’s parent is Sterling Silver (Hybrid Tea, Fisher, 1957).
Breeder: Swim & Weeks (USA)
Year of introduction: 1968
Form: Medium-sized, branching, upright bush
Height / Width: 90–120 cm / 90 cm
Flowering: Waves throughout the season
Fragrance: Intense
Color: Purple
Flower diameter: 10 cm
Flower type: Double (30–35 petals)
Leaf size and color: Glossy, dark green, leathery foliage
Disease resistance: Moderate
USDA Zones: 5-9
Ideal for:
Flower beds, mixed borders, individual and group plantings, cut flowers
Awards: 1969: All-America Rose Selection (USA)
1971: John Cook Medal (USA)
1998–2001: American Rose Society show awards (USA)
2001: J. Alexander Gamble Fragrance Award (USA)
Angel Face rose has a rich, sweet fragrance with hints of lemon, noticeable from a distance. The rose has received numerous awards, particularly for its fragrance.
The bush is dense and spreading, with glossy, dark green, disease-resistant foliage. Although it can sometimes be susceptible to black spots and powdery mildew, the plant grows slowly, so avoid heavy pruning. Well-established plants produce flowers almost continuously.
The exquisite coloring and form of the “Angel Face” rose have earned high acclaim, and it has often been used as a parent in hybridization, significantly contributing to the creation of later pink-lavender roses.