Garden of Roses

Garden of Roses, or “Joie de Vivre” is a healthy, compact floribunda with apricot-colored flowers and beautiful glossy foliage. The fully double flowers have an antique quartered shape and uneven coloring, ranging from creamy outer petals to pink and apricot tones in the center. The color varies greatly from pink to salmon, depending on the temperature and weather. The petals tend to fade on bright sunny days, becoming pale apricot before falling. The flowers are arranged in clusters and have a light fragrance. The bush is of small size, upright, and well-branched. The covering of dark green glossy foliage indicates good health. The flowering is wavy with short breaks. This compact floribunda with nostalgic flowers and a delicate fragrance is suitable not only for flowerbeds and small gardens but also for container gardening and hanging baskets. The “Garden of Roses” variety is dedicated to the nursery Jeanette Griese.
Variety Name: Garden of Roses®
Patented Name: KORfloci01
Synonyms: Cream Flower Circus ®; Cream Veranda ®; Joie de Vivre (patio, Kordes 1997); KO 97/1993-01
Group: Modern Garden Roses
Class (Garden Group): Patio Roses, Floribunda, Shrubs
Hybrid: Bernstein-Rose ® (floribunda, Evers/Tantau, 1987) × Unnamed Seedling Breeder: W.Kordes & Söhne / Tim Hermann Kordes, Germany
Year of Introduction: 2006
Form: Upright bush
Height/Width: 50-60 cm / 60 cm
Flowering: Waves throughout the season
Fragrance: Light
Color: Cream with apricot center
Flower Diameter: 7-8 cm
Flower Type: Double (up to 80 petals)
Leaf Size and Color: Medium, glossy, dark green foliage
Disease Resistance: Good Tolerates
Partial Shade: Yes
USDA Zones: 6 and above
Ideal for:
Flowerbeds, borders, solitary and group plantings, mixed borders, balconies, and terraces. Suitable for cut flowers.
2008: Silver Medal – Le Roeulx (Belgium). 2009: ADR Certificate – (Germany). 2011: Gold Medal – Nagasaki (Japan); Rose of the Year – Royal National Rose Society (United Kingdom). 2012: Silver Medal – Glasgow (Scotland).