Heritage rose

Heritage rose
3-5 flower per stem
Repeat Flowering
Shrub Roses
8-10 cm
Medium 90-125cm
Mixed Border

Heritage Rose: A Timeless Elegance for Your Garden

Heritage rose, this English rose variety, has unique characteristics that have made it a beloved choice for discerning gardeners.

  • Alternate Names: English Heritage, AUSblush, Roberta
  • Belongs to Group: Shrubs

The Heritage rose is not just a sight to behold in the garden; it’s also a treasure that can grace your indoor arrangements. Its captivating blooms make it a perfect candidate for cutting, allowing you to bring its timeless beauty indoors.

Characteristics Heritage rose:

  • Height: 120-130 cm
  • Width: Up to 120 cm
  • Flower Size: 9 cm
  • Number of Petals: 40
  • Resilience to Heat: 4.2
  • Rain Resistance: 3.0
  • Powdery Mildew Resistance: 3.5
  • Black Spot Resistance: 3.5
  • Rust Resistance: 3.7
  • Abundance of Blooms: 4.4
  • Fragrance: 3.9
  • Winter Hardiness: 4.3

A Testament to English Elegance:

The Heritage rose, also known as English Heritage, epitomizes English garden romance. Its blooms boast a flawless cupped shape with medium-sized petals. The center petals exude a delicate, pure pink hue, while the outer ones take on an almost ethereal white. This rose variety exudes an aura of tender delicacy, capturing the hearts of all who behold it. The fragrance is strong and pleasant, with honeyed undertones. The bush is elegantly shaped, featuring smooth foliage and virtually thornless stems. Its vigorous growth and branching nature make it a prolific bloomer, forming rounded bushes that enchant its floral display.

A David Austin Classic:

Among the treasures of David Austin’s rose creations, the Heritage rose shines as one of the most popular English roses. It blooms abundantly, with two or three waves of blossoms, punctuated by sporadic blooms in between, lasting until the first frost. The blooms feature a delicate salmon-pink center, surrounded by creamy-white outer petals. Their ball-shaped form remains partially closed, revealing dense layers of petals, indicating that they prefer dry weather and minimal moisture. The blooms grace the bush in clusters of 3 to 7, adorning every inch from top to bottom. The elegant stems, almost without thorns, bend gracefully under the weight of blossoms, creating an enchanting spectacle. Left unpruned (a practice that suits this variety), the bush forms an upright, branching structure. The leaves are minimal, extensive, glossy, and disease-resistant, with occasional black spots.

A Timeless Classic with a Whiff of Citrus:

With its 7-11 cm diameter cupped blooms, delicately pink and arranged in clusters, the Heritage rose is a true homage to vintage aesthetics. Its fragrance carries a hint of lemon, enhancing its allure. In cooler climates, its growth reaches 120-150 cm in height and 100-120 cm in width, while in warmer regions, it achieves a stately stature of 150-180 cm in height and 120-150 cm in width. Its only flaw lies in its susceptibility to diseases, a minor compromise for the grandeur it bestows upon any garden.

Incorporate the allure of the Heritage rose into your garden, and relish the timeless elegance it imparts. With its captivating blooms, enduring fragrance, and graceful appearance, this rose variety is a true testament to the romantic splendor of English gardens.

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