Liola rose

Liola rose
3-5 flower per stem
Repeat Flowering
5-7 cm
80- 90 cm
Mixed Border

The rose “Liola” possesses the charm of wild roses with its simple, five-petaled wavy flowers and the merits of modern breeding roses with their abundant repeat flowering and dense petals, ensuring the bloom’s longevity.

The flowers have a delicate fragrance and are gathered in clusters. They start with a creamy color and a light carmine border on the petals; as they bloom, the red-pink border expands and spreads almost across the entire surface of the flowers.

The bush is strong and healthy, with dark green foliage and flowers that are resistant to rain.

Characteristics :
Variety Name: Liolà
Patented Name: BAR 5336
Group: Modern Garden Roses
Class: Floribunda
Breeder: Rose Barni / Anna Medici Barni
Creation Year: 2003, Italy
Form: Low, branched shrub
Height: 70-90 cm / 120 cm (including flowering stems)
Blooming: Waves throughout the season
Fragrance: Medium
Color: White, creamy, transitioning to pink-lilac
Flower Diameter: 5-7 cm
Flower Type: Simple with 5 petals
Leaf Size and Color: Dark green, matte
Disease Resistance: Good
Tolerates Partial Shade: Yes
USDA Zones: From 6b to 9b

Ideal for: For flower beds, mixed borders, group, and individual planting, also suitable as a ground cover plant
Awards: 2003: Silver Medal and title of “Most Beautiful Rose in Italy” – Monza (Italy)


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