Summertime rose

Summertime rose
3-5 flower per stem
From Spring to Fall
Large 9-14 cm
Medium 90-125cm
Mixed Border

Summertime rose, is a valid symbol of joy and beauty that will brighten up your garden all season long. This enchanting rose variety embodies the essence of summer with its vibrant colors and captivating charm.

Summertime rose showcases stunning flowers in various cheerful hues, from soft pastels to vibrant pinks and oranges. Each bloom is a work of art, with a classic cup shape and velvety petals that add a touch of elegance to any landscape.

This rose is a sight to behold and a pleasure to grow. With its sturdy and well-balanced growth habit, SUMMERTIME® forms a beautiful and compact bush that adds structure and beauty to any garden. The lush green foliage provides the perfect backdrop for the dazzling display of blooms.

One of the highlights of the Summertime rose is its continuous blooming habit, generously producing many flowers from late spring to the first frosts. This ensures that your garden will be adorned with radiant beauty throughout the warm and sunny months.

The summertime rose is a versatile rose used in various garden settings, from mixed borders and flowerbeds to container gardens and floral arrangements. It’s vibrant colors and captivating fragrance make it a perfect choice for creating cheerful and inviting outdoor spaces.

Characteristics Summertime rose:

Petals: 35
Habit: Bush
Foliage: Dense, shiny dark green
Disease Resistance: Excellent
Inflorescence: 2 to 5 Flowers
Blooming: From Spring to Frost
Height: 80 / 140 cm


Rome, Italy: Silver Medal



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