climbing roses

Best Companion Plants for Climbing Roses

There’s something genuinely magical about stepping into a garden filled with the delicate beauty of roses. As I wander through my cottage garden, I can’t help but be captivated by the soft, pastel blooms and the sweet fragrance that fills the air. Climbing roses, in particular, add a touch of elegance and grandeur to any garden, their long canes reaching upward, weaving through trellises, arbors, and walls, creating a breathtaking display of color and form. But, as any seasoned gardener knows, even the most beautiful rose can benefit from suitable companions. Let’s explore some of the best companion plants for climbing roses—those that enhance their beauty and support their growth and health.

Why Companion Planting Matters

Companion planting is more than just a way to fill space in your garden; it’s a strategic approach that can help improve the health and vitality of your plants. When done right, companion plants can provide natural pest control, improve soil health, and create a more balanced garden ecosystem. Choosing the proper companions can make all the difference for climbing roses, prone to pests and diseases.

Enhancing the Beauty of Your Climbing Roses

One of the main reasons to choose companion plants for your climbing roses is to enhance the overall aesthetic of your garden. Think of it as creating a living tapestry where colors, textures, and forms blend harmoniously. With their contrasting or complementary colors, some plants can make your roses stand out even more, while others can fill in the gaps with lush foliage or delicate blooms.

Lavender: A Fragrant Friend

climbing roses

Lavender is one of my favorites, and I like planting alongside climbing roses. Not only do its silvery-green leaves and spikes of purple flowers create a stunning contrast with the roses’ vibrant hues, but its strong, sweet scent can also help deter pests like aphids and beetles. The combination of lavender and roses is truly a feast for the senses—a blend of visual beauty and fragrance that makes spending time in the garden a pure joy.

Protecting Your Roses Naturally

Another critical reason to consider companion planting is the natural protection it can offer your roses. Certain plants have properties that repel pests or attract beneficial insects, providing your roses with a natural defense system. This is especially important for climbing roses, which are susceptible to diseases like black spots and pests like aphids.

Marigolds: The Pest Deterrent

Marigolds are well-known for repelling various garden pests, including aphids, nematodes, and beetles. Their bright, cheerful blooms add a pop of color to your garden, while their natural pest-repelling properties help keep your climbing roses healthy. Planting marigolds at the base of your roses is a simple yet effective way to protect them without harsh chemicals.

climbing roses companions

Alliums: The Unassuming Guardians

Alliums, part of the onion family, might not be the first plant you consider when considering rose companions. Still, their subtle globe-shaped flowers add a unique texture to the garden. More importantly, alliums are known to repel pests such as aphids, spider mites, and Japanese beetles. Their presence creates a protective barrier around your climbing roses, ensuring they thrive with minimal interference.

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Geraniums: The Pest Repellers

Hardy geraniums, not to be confused with the annual varieties, are excellent groundcover plants that suppress weeds and retain soil moisture. Their vibrant blooms range from blues to pinks and purples, adding a splash of color beneath your climbing roses. Additionally, geraniums are known to repel Japanese beetles and other common rose pests, making them both beautiful and functional companions.

Supporting Soil Health

Rich, well-balanced soil is the cornerstone of a flourishing garden, and specific companion plants can enhance soil health by adding nutrients, boosting drainage, or enriching it with organic matter. Choosing companions that improve soil health can lead to more robust, more resilient plants for climbing roses, which thrive in well-drained, fertile soil.

Catmint: A Hardy Groundcover

Catmint (Nepeta) is a beautiful groundcover that pairs beautifully with climbing roses. Its low-growing, mounding habit helps to suppress weeds, while its blue-purple flowers add a lovely contrast to the roses. More importantly, catmint attracts beneficial insects like bees and predatory wasps, which can help keep pest populations in check. Additionally, catmint is known for its ability to thrive in various soil conditions, making it a versatile choice for rose gardens.

Sweet Alyssum: The Living Mulch

Sweet Alyssum is a fragrant, ground-hugging plant that blooms with tiny white, pink, or purple flower clusters. It serves as a natural mulch, helping to conserve soil moisture and control weeds. Additionally, it attracts helpful insects like hoverflies and parasitic wasps, which target aphids and other pests that could harm your climbing roses.

Nasturtiums: The Soil Enhancers

Nasturtiums are vibrant, easy-to-grow annuals that add a burst of color with red, orange, and yellow blooms and improve soil health. They are known for attracting aphids away from roses, acting as a sacrificial plant. Additionally, nasturtiums can improve soil by accumulating nutrients, which, upon decomposition, enrich the soil for other plants.

Adding Seasonal Interest

Climbing roses are showstoppers in the garden, but their blooming period, though glorious, is relatively short. Choose companion plants that provide visual appeal at various times of the year to keep your garden lively and colorful all season long. This way, even when your roses have finished their bloom, your garden will still be full of life and color.

Clematis: The Perfect Climbing Companion

Clematis is often called the “queen of climbers,” and for good reason. When paired with climbing roses, clematis can extend the flowering season, as many varieties bloom before and after the roses. The combination of clematis and climbing roses on a trellis or arbor is a sight to behold—imagine a cascade of roses intertwined with the delicate, star-shaped blooms of clematis, creating a living artwork that evolves throughout the seasons.

Honeysuckle: Scented Elegance

Honeysuckle vines are perfect companions for climbing roses, sharing similar growth habits and support structures. Their fragrant, tubular flowers bloom from late spring through summer, extending the flowering season in your garden. The sweet scent of honeysuckle and the aroma of roses create an intoxicating atmosphere that beckons you to linger.

Hydrangeas: Blossoms of Summer

Planting hydrangeas near your climbing roses adds lushness and a profusion of blooms that last from summer into fall. Their prominent flower heads in shades of blue, pink, or white complement the delicate rose blooms. Hydrangeas thrive in partial shade, making them ideal for planting on the north side of climbing roses, where they can enjoy the more excellent conditions.

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The Organic Rose Revolution: Grow Stunning Blooms, Naturally

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  • Explore a world of breathtaking rose varieties carefully curated to captivate your senses and elevate your garden to new heights of beauty. 

Creating Your Garden Harmony

As the sun sets on my garden, casting a golden glow over the roses, I’m reminded of why I fell in love with these flowers. They’re more than just plants; they’re living, breathing works of art that bring endless joy and beauty into our lives.
By choosing the right companion plants for your climbing roses, you can create a garden that is not only beautiful but also balanced and thriving. From the fragrant lavender that soothes the senses to the vibrant marigolds that protect your roses, each plant plays a role in the symphony of your garden. So, as you plan your next garden project, consider the companions that will help your climbing roses reach their full potential. Happy gardening!

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